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Songs of Hope: "Day by Day"


Updated: Aug 13, 2022

Whether their words capture what we cannot express, or their soothing melodies quiet our hearts, songs can often provide comfort during times of trial. I have personally found that certain songs bring me hope by reminding me of truth, and I love that I can recall them quickly in the midst of challenging situations. I want to share with you some of the songs that have encouraged me most through life's struggles, so I've decided to start a series of posts called Songs of Hope. In each article, I'll share the song itself, background on its authorship, and how it has encouraged me. My goal is for you to also take comfort in the truth these songs proclaim. Regardless of what your experience looks like, these songs present timeless truths for us to cling to.

The first song in this series is Day by Day, a hymn written by a Swedish woman named Karolina Sandell-Berg. Here is a lovely rendition of this hymn:

As mentioned briefly at the introduction of the video, Karolina Sandell-Berg wrote this song after tragically witnessing her father's death. She was only 26 years old when her father fell off a boat and drowned. Interestingly, she did not pen Day by Day until several years after her father's death, which testifies to the steadfast nature of her faith. In fact, she wrote many hymns which aided revival across Scandinavia in the 19th century.

Of all the sweet phrases in this song, the ones that stand out most to me are from the second verse. "The protection of His child and treasure / Is a charge that on Himself He laid . . . " These words remind me that I belong to God, and that He loves me enough to provide for me Himself. It echoes Matthew 6:30, "But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?"

The second verse goes on to cement the theme of God's provision: " 'As thy days, thy strength shall be in measure' / This the pledge to me He made." What a touching reminder that God will give us the strength that we need in each moment! One can't help but think of 1 Corinthians 10:13, which says in part, ". . . God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."

Day by Day can be a great help to us, no matter the size and shape of our daily struggles. I often find myself singing this hymn when I lack the energy to continue my day's work, and it lifts my spirits to think that God sees even the smallest of tasks. By the truth-filled verses, we may be reminded of God's patient love and provision for us.

What parts of this hymn bring you greater hope in the Lord?

Image Credit: Ri Butov from Pixabay



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